The instructions should be read for the next hour!
first Court:
complicity: a) In general, the animus theory: (BGHSt 18, p.87 ff summary at:
and RGSt 74, 84 et seq Bath case.
b) BGH, Supplement, 10.1.56 (BGHSt 8, 393, NJW 1956, 475) § § 25, 27 defining agency and participation, the course of events Mitbeherrschung
Az Supreme Court 6/15/2000 4 St 172 / 0 0: stabbing in the dark corridor
Supreme Court ruling of 01.23.1958 (4 StR 613/57) BGHSt 11, 268 shot at the pursuers
b) Aid: OLG Naumburg, mitt tick pub, NJW 2001, 2034
BGH decision of 01.27.1982 (3 StR 437/81) NStZ 1982, 244 planned jailbreak, to distinguish between complicity and attempt to aid and participation
BGH, Judgement of 09/01/1985 - reference number 2 StR 806/84, aid to robbery to get back the loot to the rightful owner , Tatbeendigung the robbery; successively aid
BGH, NStZ 1995, 490, presence in the back seat, conveying (causation or promotion ? Necessary), psychological aid
hair cut in the restaurant, NJW 1966, 1763, deferred offender - failure to participate in the fake offense
second Attachments: doll , The joint plan of complicity , ZiS 2007th
Rengier, agency and participation, JuS issue 4 / 2010 NEW DATE!
Rengier, agency and participation, JuS issue 4 / 2010 NEW DATE!
third Textbook: Krey, General Part Volume 2, Rnd. 164-204 (inclusive), 211-251.
4th Comment: Leipziger comment the Criminal Code, LK- Roxin , § 25 Rnd. 181ff. the test, especially in complicity Rnd. 199.
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