Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Do Hand Signs Mean?


I. reading task
least read:
Rolf Schmidt , AT, 6 Edition, 2007 para 16-50. (In later editions would be so far everything has stayed the same). (5 pages)

Zippelius, legal methodology, 9 Edition 2005, § § 4, 5, 8-10. (27 pages)

II Fallöseaufgabe
These two cases you should first solve its own with the law and the decisions then read:

first Electricity theft (RGSt. 32, 165 ff)
P, as a mechanic at the power stations was to have been active W, after the production of electric plant in the rental of it pierced with a co-accused C occupied rooms for the wood window, pushed through the hole in the street wires wire and cable used in this way the produced electric light to illuminate the room.
penalty of P of § 242 paragraph 1 StGB?

second Strung wagon (BGHSt. 10, 375 ff)
Bauer B has stolen from the forest to its neighbors using a delivery timber. The Prussian Forestry Theft Act of 1880 saw before in § 3 paragraph 1 No. 6, a criminal sharpening "if brought for the purpose of stealing a strung forest wagon, a boat or a beast of burden." Was
implement this provision?

Small Cases to repeat:

third opinion terror
The government wants the citizens to hear about the successes of the Minister well. Therefore, on the orders of the chancellor in the "Daily Show" proclaimed that has now subscribe to every adult citizen a daily newspaper of his choice. In the event of a breach face a fine of up to 1,000 €. LEGAL
What concerns you about it?

4th The Germans are too loud
One of the government parties is concerned about the increasing noise in the cities. Therefore, a supplement of the Penal Code is proposed:
"§ Who voiced in public speaking, is punishable by imprisonment up to two years. "
The opposition says that in addition to the general freedom of action (Article 2 paragraph 1 GG) and the freedom of expression (Article 5 § 1 GG) could be violated other constitutional provisions. What?

5th variant
is a great nuisance to the opposition added to the Penal Code to the provision of case 2. The law comes into force on 27/10/2009. Right at that day shall Maria, the owner of a bookshop, a criminal complaint against Jeffrey, the owner of the music shop opposite, as this on the previous Saturday when a drastic price cut by means of a stereo system all announced over the shopping arcade. Jeffrey
been penalized?

III. Vocabulary
Think about these words! If you understand some do not or are unsure, consult a legal dictionary (in the library), according to Wikipedia or any encyclopedia.

Should - His

cause and effect

deduction - induction

implication - hypothesis - Word Definition - meaning-thing

offense - unlawful - Debt

Structure - Form - Content

abstract - concrete

Interpretation - Definition

major premise - pedestal - subsumption


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