Sunday, April 30, 2006

Famosasmexicanas Foyando

The first eggs

The weather, though still quite cool and the Queen has not yet much more active, but in some cells one can see the first eggs. Two days ago they were still not there.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Burton Binding Medium And Large Difference

First Contact

It's cold, cloudy and the end of April 2006, when I discovered the small, gray wasp nest in an empty flower box in front of our balcony door. Slightly damp the Baumeisterin waiting on their papery work, waiting for warmer days. It is a heath-field wasp (Polistes nimpha ), a queen. According to the season she is still alone, but establishing the beginning of her people she has already done.

Polistes nimpha Königin. Foto: KLaus Steiner (2006)

Wespennest. Foto: KLaus Steiner (2006)